Afterwards a handful of us went out for ice cream. I didn't specify that I wanted soft-serve vanilla, and so I got hard ice cream. Blech. Never again. That was too much vanilla for anyone and it was a small cone.
But after that, I went to my friend Gary and Allison's house for some tea and giggling. They're so fun. I love spending time with them. I'm thankful to God for their friendship!
This morning I woke up, prayed a little, read a proverb and took the dog out. I needed to run to the pharmacy and drop off a script for medication. I dropped it off and then went to a local Christian bookstore where my friend Joe and Margie have set up a coffee bar. It was so nice! I then had a wonderful conversation with a woman named Sue who I met last night at said church service. We instantly connected! We laughed and cried and prayed. It was so encouraging! She invited me to her church in Ocean Grove. I think I'll go and visit. They meet on the boardwalk in the summer. How nice.
I bought a hymnal. Sometimes just reading the words of those songs brings peace. Right?
Then I went back to Walgreen's to pick up my medication. Bought some sweet pink and coral nail polishes, pencils, a sudoku book, lip gloss (an essential everyday item in a girl's life) and some hair accessories. A bit of a splurge, but I just figured, hey.. if I'm gonna feel like crap soon.. I may as well look good! Pink shimmery lip gloss in the summer is a must have.
I am also on the lookout for a big brimmed hat to wear when I sunbathe this summer during recovery. That and some big old sunglasses. I am at least going to have a glamorous time while I'm able. This is important. Too bad I can't wear jewelry during surgery. I mean, would a pearl necklace REALLY get in the way? They're not even going to be near my neck. I don't understand. Well, I guess they have their reasons.
Sunday June 21- Tomorrow is the day that I am going to drink a gallon of what will probably taste something like ocean water and nail polish remover. I'm not looking forward to this at all. However, I will be able to stay home and tend to nesting and cleaning up and watching movies on hulu. My big brother bought me a new computer! This is so fun.
Monday June 22- This is the day I arise early and go for a colonoscopy. I have said it before. I am too pretty to have one of these. Enough said.
Tuesday June 23 - I am not sure what time the surgery will be. I think it's going to start around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. I am not really scared. My cousins Tom and Jamie will come down on Monday night and will be with me the whole time. This part is fun because they are both very funny, and when we three are together we laugh a lot. So I'm blessed to have them as family and look forward to funny/awkward memories that will come of this. I am also a little queasy about the idea of taking pain medication. I don't like how it makes me feel at all. So if you are lead to pray for me, please pray that I wouldn't need to take too much. I'm praying for a quick recovery and that I would feel so good so soon... not jumping jacks good, but good enough that I'm not puking my guts out. That's gross, but whatever.
I'll write more when I can.
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