"Move out of the shell, free yourself from the safety of coddling arms, you are equipped to do this, you can do this."
I have been thinking a lot about this. A lot about my place in life.. same house, same job, same church for a while now.. settling in.. thinking.. this is it. Wait, this is it? If this is it, then I hate this. Who said I had to stay here? Who told me that if I am settling in like a barnacle on a rock that this is what life is all about? And why have I listened? Are they barnacles that just want company? Wherever I got this idea from.. I know it wasn't from God, I have heard grains of truth today that made me feel really uncomfortable and yet excited...
I have put many elaborate and embroidered limitations on this God I choose to follow.. or this God who has chosen to pursue me and call me His own. He's so sweet like that.
I have all of these ideas and dreams that just remain vaulted in the sky.. and I haven't moved out in faith towards any of them. This has surely limited God, this has surely limited me.
Well, I've got some time left, a really sweet tan.. and many ideas to put down on paper.. and then move on them and will seek His guidance throughout.. I told the Lord today.. "Well, okay. Push my boat off shore, you've given me everything I need to sail."
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